Youth and Young Adults

The young people at St. Paul's are an important part of the congregation.  These young people are very busy with school, sports, work, and other activities, and yet, they find church important and strive to be here on Sunday or during other times of the year.

The needs of these young people are constantly changing.  As they grow, their needs change.  Also, the group will change as some grow out of this age group and others grow into it.  Youth ministry needs to be flexible and support the needs of the youth. Email Deborah to get a list of upcoming events for youth.

At St. Paul's, we have a youth group that meets most Friday nights.  This group is open to grades five and up. As they get older, they are invited to help lead.

The high school youth are at an age where they are more independent and can do more service in the church.  Finding where each youth fits and where their gifts and skills might be most needed is important.  If they would like to fulfill their community service volunteer hours at the church, talk with Deborah.

Stay tuned for overnight or weekend events. 

We do not currently have a group for young adults.  Is this an interest?  Would someone like to begin this ministry?  Talk to Deborah.

Confirmation or Re-Affirmation

Every year, St. Paul's offers an opportunity to explore your faith and decide whether you would like to say "Yes" to God (or "Yes" again!) and become a member of the church.  This is open to those in high school, young adults, and anyone else who might like to explore their faith in a group.  There will be an opportunity near the end of the time together, for each person to explore whether they would like to be confirmed in the church or re-affirm their faith.  Confirmation is a profession of faith and a desire to be a member of the United Church of Canada.

The youth now do this process in a very organic way. It’s more about their journey rather than a prescribed course. It’s about volunteer hours, attending youth group, offering leadership, attending regional or national church youth events, having a mentor, etc. Once someone feels ready to say “Yes” to God and to their faith, the individual will meet with one of the ministers and talk about their faith and their faith journey and if they are ready to be confirmed.